Since this is from a catalog, I must assume that this is no spoof. So…what have we here? I appears to be a chicken in a helmet, but wait- You can collect all these great and “unique” designs! (like poke’mon?) A gaily assorted selection for a device that I’m pretty sure the chicken has no use for. And a wide selection it is!
My question (and you may have a different one -and if so… Bravo!) is…”why?” Is there a burgeoning semi pro chicken football league? Why else would they need a helmet? I mean…I’ve heard rumors, but I didn’t think there could ever be a really good chicken quarterback! No “Plymouth Rock” Tom Brady or a “Rhode Island Red” Drew Brees! Or are chickens now competing in Chicken Grand Prix style racing! It doesn’t look like that’s a”sport” (like golf!) until you consider the stresses on the (human) body while racing a car at 200 mph on an undulating track. Chickens’ racing? Chickens aren’t built for stress. They’d be “Tum Pluckered” out in no time! Maybe there is a breed of really clumsy chickens, that I never heard of, that these are intended for…?
And then- And I was waiting for this- what sort of catalog was I looking when I ran across this? Well, I’ll say this: I was doing research for a strory. … (looks both ways and leans in conspiratorily) “Stay tuned”!